RocketRaces - Unmanned rockets compete for higher
and higher altitudes. Rockets are divided into competitions by
weight class. The long-term goal is to reach orbit, but even
simple model rockets may run competitions too. Alternatives such
as balloon-launched rockets and cannon-launched rockets are also
Telebots - Contestants design and operate
telepresence robots, long-distance, to compete at ever more complex
Eventually we will run 2sd (2-second delay) competitions to
simulate operating telebots on the Moon all the way from the
Earth. Think "Battlebots", except the 'bots are building instead
of destoying.
MoonTown - Contestants design and build automatic
refineries and factories that convert simulated lunar soil into machine
parts. Those teams who produce the highest-quality results before
their contest deadline win the money. The MoonTown category will
also include mass driver
StratoLife - Contestants design and build sealed
environments for living plants and insects, and float them under
weather balloons in near-space for weeks at a time. Winners are
those habitats which survive the longest in the radiation and
temperature extremes of near-space. StratoLife competitions will
also include breeding plants to live naked in near-vacuum.
The Teams
October 18 2005 |