Image of a mechanical horse

Highly Imaginative Technology

and science fiction

a list founded by Dr. Geraldo Xexeo and now owned by Manuel Villa

  HIT is a discussion about technology that can/can't be developed in the near/far future. Based on science fiction and present-day discoveries, we plan to discuss how to develop new and imaginative technology and explore its consequences.
   Suggested topics are: Artificial Reality, Cybernetics, new developments in science, Space Stations, High Energy Physics, etc. Multi-disciplinary ideas are welcome (E.G. Software Psychiatry).

  If you have an invention idea to talk about, the group can improve it, criticize it, or take it on new and creative tangents.
  If you are writing science fiction and fishing for ideas or audience, HIT is good for the same.

Unrealistic inventions can be composted into fiction, extremely realistic fiction can be developed into invention.

  Here are some recent threads.

  If you're curious, you can subscribe at our eGroups site: http://www.eGroups.com/group/hit/ Traffic can vary from 0 to 9 messages a week.

  What are our interests? Check out Member Links.

And Hitalia
